+44 (0) 7480 517493 sabinestanley@outlook.com
+44 (0) 7480 517493 sabinestanley@outlook.com

Improve business performance by improving team performance


We work with leadership teams to help them connect more – with their purpose and goals, with each other and with key stakeholders. At times of crisis, when people are stretched, work virtually and are spinning many more plates than usual, connection is even more critical.

Team coaching can help leaders and their teams to regroup, find precious thinking time and make a plan. You may need to slow down to move faster again. You may also need to find new ways of supporting each other so that the team can function effectively and people can be at their best. 

Based on an exploration of your situation and business context, we will work in close collaboration with you to tailor a team coaching process that is right for you. It starts with having a quality conversation – contact Sabine to arrange a no obligation meeting.

Team coaching can be delivered in person as well as virtually. The work is likely to include:

  • team workshop sessions
  • individual support for the leader of the team
  • 1:1 coaching and feedback conversations
  • advice on how to maintain momentum and embed changes in between sessions and after the end of our work together.

Personality profiles are available (e.g. Hogan or MBTI), as well as a team 360 diagnostic tool

If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together. 

African Proverb

Want to find out more?


Click here to read examples of our recent team coaching assignments.

How can we help?

Contact us for an initial chat or a trial coaching session

Call +44 (0) 7480 517493 or click here to use our contact form. 


Discover what our clients say about working with us

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